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“Madsenius” Lambert, D. 1990. ''Dinosaur Data Book''. Harpercollins, New York. ISBN 0380758962. 320 pp. [=Allosaurus] Magulodon Kranz, 1996
Mamenchisaurus guangyuanensis Zhang Y., Li K. & Zeng Q., 1998. A new species of sauropod dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic of Sichuan Basin, China," Journal of Chengdu University of Technology 25(1): 61-68
Megacervixosaurus tibetensis Zhao, X.-J. 1983. Phylogeny and evolutionary stages of Dinosauria. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 28: 295-306.
“Megadontosaurus” Brown reported by Ostrom,J. H. 1970 [=Microvenator & Deinonychus].
Megalosaurus "cachuensis" Listed in (Weishampel, D. B., Barrett, P. M., Coria, R. A., Le Loeuff, J., Xu, X., Zhao, X., Sahni, A., Gomani, E. M. P., and Noto, C. R. 2004. Dinosaur distribution. In: Weishampel, D. B., Dodson, P., and Osmolska, H. (eds.). The Dinosauria, Second Edition. University of California Press, Berkeley. Pp 517-606.
Megalosaurus "dapukensis" Zhao, 1986. The Jurassic System of China: Stratigraphy of China, n. 11, p. 286-348.
Megalosaurus "tibetensis" Zhao, 1986. The Jurassic System of China: Stratigraphy of China, n. 11, p. 286-348.
Metriacanthosaurus "carpenteri" Paul, 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. Simon & Schuster, New York.
Merosaurus Welles, H. P. Powell & Pickering reported by Pickering, 1995 [nomen nudum]
Microcephale Sereno, P. C. 1997. The origin and evolution of dinosaurs. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 25: 435-489.
Microdontosaurus Zhao, X.-J. 1983. Phylogeny and evolutionary stages of Dinosauria. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 28: 295-306. Listed on page 304.
Microvenator "chagyaensis" Zhang, Shunxin and Li, Fenglin, 1997. Mesozoic Dinosaur Localities in China and Their Stratigraphy. In: Dinofest International, Proceedings of a Symposium sponsered by Arizona State University. A Publication of The Academy of Natural Sciences, edited by Donald L. Wolberg, Edmund Sump, and Gary D. Rosenberg: 265-273.
Microvenator "chagyabi" Zhang, Shunxin and Li Fenglin, 1997. Mesozoic Dinosaur Localities in China and Their Stratigraphy. In: Dinofest International, Proceedings of a Symposium sponsered by Arizona State University. A Publication of The
Academy of Natural Sciences, edited by Donald L. Wolberg, Edmund Sump, and Gary D. Rosenberg: 265-273.
“Mifunesaurus” Hisa, 1985
“Mohammadisaurus” Maier, Gerhard. 2003 ''African Dinosaurs Unearthed: The Tendaguru Expeditions. Indiana Univeristy Press. 512pp. [=Tornieria]
Monolophosaurus 'dongi' Grady, 1993. The Dinosaur Project, pp. 261
“Moshisaurus” Hisa, 1985 [=Mamenchisaurus]
“Mtapaiasaurus” Maier, Gerhard. 2003 ''African Dinosaurs Unearthed: The Tendaguru Expeditions. Indiana Univeristy Press. 512pp. [=Brachiosaurus]
“Mtotosaurus” Maier, Gerhard. 2003 ''African Dinosaurs Unearthed: The Tendaguru Expeditions. Indiana Univeristy Press. 512pp. [=Dicraeosaurus]
Nectosaurus 'navajovius' Versluys, J. 1910. Streptostylie bei Dinosauriern, nebst Bemerkungen über die Verwandtschaft der Vögel und Dinosaurier. Zool. Jahb. Anat. 30: 175-260. [=Kritosaurus navajovius].
Ngexisaurus dapukaensis Zhao, X.-J. 1983. Phylogeny and evolutionary stages of Dinosauria. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 28: 295-306.
“Nteregosaurus” Maier, Gerhard. 2003 ''African Dinosaurs Unearthed: The Tendaguru Expeditions. Indiana Univeristy Press. 512pp. [=Janenschia]
Nuoersaurus Dong & Li, 1991.
“Nyororosaurus” Maier, Gerhard. 2003 ''African Dinosaurs Unearthed: The Tendaguru Expeditions. Indiana Univeristy Press. 512pp. [=Dicraeosaurus]
Orcomimus Triebold, 1997. The Sandy site: Small dinosaurs from the Hell Creek Formation of South Dakota. In: Wolberg, D., Stump, E. & Rosenberg, G. (eds); “Dinofest International: Proceedings of a Symposium''. Acad. Natural Sci., Phil. pp 245-248.
Ornithoides oshiensis Osborn, 1924. The discovery of an unknown continent. Natural History. XXIV 133-149. [=Saurornithoides]
Oshanosaurus Zhao, X. J. 1985. Reptile. In: S.-E. Wang (ed.). The Jurassic in China. Geological Publishing House, Beijing. Pp 286-291.
Ovoraptor djadochtari Osborn, 1924. The discovery of an unknown continent. Natural History. XXIV 133-149. [=Velociraptor]
Paraiguanodon Brown reported by Olshevsky, 1991 [ Bactrosaurus]
Prodeinodon "tibetensis" Zhang and Li, 1997. Mesozoic Dinosaur Localities in China and Their Stratigraphy. In: Dinofest International, Proceedings of a Symposium sponsered by Arizona State University. A Publication of The Academy of Natural Sciences, edited by Donald L. Wolberg, Edmund Sump, and Gary D. Rosenberg: 265-273.
Proiguanodon van den Broeck, 1900 [= Iguanodon].
Protorosaurus Lambe, 1914/von Meyer, 1830 Chasmosaurus
Protrachodon Nopcsa, 1923 [= Orthomerus]
Roccosaurus Anderson & Cruickshank, 1978 [=Melanorosaurus].
“Salimosaurus” Maier, Gerhard. 2003 ''African Dinosaurs Unearthed: The Tendaguru Expeditions. Indiana Univeristy Press. 512pp. [=Brachiosaurus]
Saltriosaurus Dalla Vecchia, 2001. A new theropod dinosaur from the Lower Jurassic of Italy, Saltriosaurus. Dino Press. 3, 81–87.
Sanchusaurus Hisa, 1985 [= Gallimimus]
Sangonghesaurus Zhao, X.-J. 1983. Phylogeny and evolutionary stages of Dinosauria. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 28: 295-306. Listed on Page 302. [=Tianchisaurus]
Sauraechmodon Falconer, 1861 [nomen nudum –> Echinodon]
Saurophagus maximus Ray, G. R 1941. 'Big for his day'. Natural History. 48(1): 36-39.
Scrotum humanum Brooks 1763. - первая описанная кость динозавра
Selimanosaurus Maier, Gerhard. 2003 ''African Dinosaurs Unearthed: The Tendaguru Expeditions. Indiana Univeristy Press. 512pp. [=Dicraeosaurus]
Stereocephalus Lambe, 1902/Lynch Arribalzaga, 1884 –> Euoplocephalus
Sugiyamasaurus Lambert, D. 1990. ''Dinosaur Data Book''. Harpercollins, New York. ISBN 0380758962. 320 pp.
Tenantosaurus Brown reported by Chure & McIntosh, 1989 [=Tenontosaurus]
Teyuwasu barbareni Kischlat 1999.
Thotobolosaurus Ellenberger, 1970 or 1972.
Tianchungosaurus Zhao, X.-J. 1983. Phylogeny and evolutionary stages of Dinosauria. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 28: 295-306. Listed on page 302.
Tonouchisaurus Anonymous, credited to Barsbold, 1994.
Tyrannosaurus “gigantus” Harlan 1990
Tyrannosaurus “imperator” Melbourne, 1998. Prehistoric Times.
Tyrannosaurus "lanpingensis" Yeh, 1975 [= Tarbosaurus "lanpingensis" Azuma, 1991 (NN)]
Tyrannosaurus "stanwinstonorus" Glut, 1997. Dinosaurs: The Encyclopedia. Likely to be a mispelling of Pickering's T. ''stanwinstonorum''
Tyreophorus von Huene, 1929 - как и целюрозавр и карнозавр это было применено к неопределенным останкам, которые Хюне описал как incertae sedis, но видимо был плохой перевод этой бумаги (она на испанском).
Ultrasaurus Jensen, 1985/H. M. Kim, 1983 [=Ultrasauros]
Umarsaurus Maryanska & Osmólska, 1981. Cranial anatomy of Saurolophus angustirostris with comments on the Asian Hadrosauridae (Dinosauria). Palaeontologica Polonica 42: 5-24 + 2 plates. T [=Barsboldia]
Valdosaurus ''dextrapoda'' W. T. Blows. 1998. A review of Lower and Middle Cretaceous dinosaurs of England. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 14: 29-38
Wangonisaurus Maier, Gerhard. 2003 ''African Dinosaurs Unearthed: The Tendaguru Expeditions. Indiana Univeristy Press. 512pp. [=Brachiosaurus]
Wyomingraptor Bakker, 1997. Dr. Bob's Dinofacts. Tate Geological Times 5(2) March/April 1997: p. 3. [=Allosaurus]
Xuanhuasaurus Zhao, X. J. 1985. Reptile. In: S.-E. Wang (ed.). The Jurassic in China. Geological Publishing House, Beijing. Pp 286-291.
Yibinosaurus Anonymous. 2001.
Yingshanosaurus jichuanensis Zhou, 1984 also Watanabe 1992 [?=Gigantspinosaurus].
Yubasaurus He, 1975? [?=Yandusaurus]
Yunxiansaurus hubei Zhou, S. 2005. The Dinosaur Egg Fossils in Nanyang, China. China University of Geosciences Press, Wuhan, 145 pp.
а вот имена, котоые были описаны устно, то есть не имели публичного доступа (описаны в диссертациях, книгах с ограниченным тиражом):
Allosaurus "whitei" Pickering, 1996."King Kong. Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in Philopatry". A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, pp. 5-13. - об этом издании Пикеринга следует упомянуть отдельно, так как он также как Бэккер как будто специально делают этот бред. например, в этой книге помимо новых динозавров обсуждаются проблемы каких-то евреев и Кинг Конга!!!!!!!! Бред!
Altispinax "lydekkerhueneorum" Pickering, 1995. "Jurassic Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in Philopatry," A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, 2nd revised printing, Capitola, California: 478 pp. [January 27, 1995].
Ceratosaurus “willisobrienorum” Pickering, 1995. "Jurassic Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in Philopatry," A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, 2nd revised printing, Capitola, California: 478 pp. [January 27, 1995].
Elaphrosaurus "philtippettorum" Pickering, 1995. "Jurassic Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in Philopatry," A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, 2nd revised printing, Capitola, California: 478 pp. [January 27, 1995].
"Liassaurus huenei" Pickering, 1995. "Jurassic Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in Philopatry," A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, 2nd revised printing, Capitola, California: 478 pp. [January 27, 1995].
“Merosaurus newmani” Pickering, 1995. "Jurassic Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in Philopatry," A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, 2nd revised printing, Capitola, California: 478 pp. [January 27, 1995].
Megalosaurus "phillipsi" Pickering, 1995. "Jurassic Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in Philopatry," A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, 2nd revised printing, Capitola, California: 478 pp. [January 27, 1995].
Metriacanthosaurus "brevis" Pickering, 1995. "Jurassic Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in Philopatry," A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, 2nd revised printing, Capitola, California: 478 pp. [January 27, 1995].
Metriacanthosaurus "reynoldsi" Pickering, 1995. "Jurassic Park: Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in Philopatry," A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, 2nd revised printing, Capitola, California: 478 pp. [January 27, 1995].
"Newtonsaurus" cambrensis Welles and Pickering, 1999. An Extract From: Archosauromorpha: Cladistics and Osteologies. 70 pp. Likely to be a proposed genus for reception of Megalosaurus cambrensis.
Tonouchisaurus Barsbold, 1994. Commonly stated to be mentioned in newspaper accounts, i was unable to find the newspaper reference to verify. Untill it comes along, it'll be treated as non-published NN.
Tyrannosaurus “stanwinstonorum” Pickering, 1996."King Kong. Unauthorized Jewish Fractals in Philopatry". A Fractal Scaling in Dinosaurology Project, pp. 5-13. (also see section 2 for Glut's entry)
"Walkersaurus" hesperis Welles and Pickering, 1999. An Extract From: Archosauromorpha: Cladistics and Osteologies. 70 pp. Likely to be a proposed genus for reception of Megalosaurus hesperis.
ну и есть еще много вообще 2никаких" названий, упомянутых в бульварных газетенках и журналах не "в тему".
так что считайте - если убрать с моего списка все эти роды то их станет на 50 меньше, а если еще все сомнительные - так еще сотня!